  • F3B-E

First F3B-E competition in Muenchen!

Results are here.

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 15. 10. 18
  • F3B Avatar electro - UPDATE

Jitom is proud to inform that the E-Avatar is ready for the new F3B-E-class. Our prototype has a minimum-weight of 2014g which is close to the allowed minimum wing-loading with 35g/dm2. The layup of the wings is the same as used on the F3B-launch and not a special light version . The motor is an "inrunner" with a gearbox 4:1 and works with a 4s/1300 mAh. This allowes two launches with 400 Wmin.

Preliminary rules for electro F3B are ready.

Rules in PDF format

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 31. 8. 18
  • F3B Avatar electro

Preliminary rules for electro F3B are ready.

Rules in PDF format

For this category minimum flight weight for Avatar is 2103g. For this weight flight configuration for Avatar consist from 4S Li-Pol with cca 1300mAh.

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 5. 6. 18
  • New Avatar pictures!

Check new Avatar pictures on Avatar F3B product page and update settings template.

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 20. 9. 15
  • Competitions
  • 8. International F3B Cup

Congratulations for:

  • 1. place - Stefan Sporer, Austria
Complete results

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 14. 7. 15
  • Avatar F3B electro

Jitom is proud to present an elektro-fuselage for our AVATAR. The goal was not a "Hotliner" with a phantastic climbing rate. We wanted a model with nearly the same weight and thermal-performance as the glider-version with a comfortable climbing rate like an F5J-model. Fuselage has the same size like glider-version...

Avatar electro basic properties
Avatar F3B Wing span: 3150 mm
Wing area: 55,00 dm2
Tailplane area: 5,1 dm2
Weight: from 2110 g

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 20. 5. 15
  • Avatar F3B

The model is manufactured by Jiri Tuma. Jiri created a special technology to make wings stiff and light enough for this thin airfoil. Also special is the space between fuselage and wing and V-tail as shown on the pictures . This will help to reduce interferences and drag.

Avatar basic properties
Avatar F3B Wing span: 3150 mm
Wing area: 55,00 dm2
Tailplane area: 5,1 dm2
Weight: from 2050 g

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 30. 6. 14
  • Competitions
  • 38. Oktoberfestpokal

Congratulations for:

  • 19. place - Stefan Sporer
  • 25. place (1. senior award) - Günther Aichholzer
Complete results

We introduce on competition new model in our production - Avatar. Its complete new design of wings and V-tail. Technical data:

  • Wingspan: 3150 mm
  • Wingarea: 55 dm2
  • Tailarea: 5,1 dm2
  • Weight: 2100g
  • Airfoil:Dirk Pflug

The model is manufactured by Jiri Tuma. Jiri created a special technology to make wings stiff and light enough for this thin airfoil. Also special is the space between fuselage and wing and V-tail as shown on the pictures . This will help to reduce interferences and drag.

The model is built in double-carbon with carbon V-tail. Fuselage same as EXTASY in carbon and nose-cone 2,4 Ghz ready (Kevlar-Glas). There are 5-ballast tubes (3 in the joiner and 2 in the wing) which allows 1800g only with use of brass! No expensive wolfram needed !

Gunther flew this model 3 weeks after maidenflight on the last contest of the season on the „Oktoberfestpokal“ in munich and won the senior award. If you are interested, please contact us.

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 2. 11. 13
  • Competitions
  • World Cup and World Championship 2013

Congratulations for:

  • 2. place in teams on WCH - Stefan Sporer in team Austria
  • 11. place on World Cup - Jan Stonavsky with Extasy
Complete results

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 18. 8. 13
  • Competitions
  • F3B Jesenik 2013

Congratulations for:

  • 4. place - Aichholzer Guenther
Video | Complete results

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 2. 7. 13
  • Competitions
  • F3B München 2012

Season final F3B commetition. Congratulations for:

  • Stefan Sporer and take place in Austria representation for WCH 2013
  • 2. place in distance - Michal Michna with Extasy
Complete results | source:

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 10. 8. 12
  • Competitions
  • F3B Kulmbach 2012

Congratulations for:

  • 6. place - Stefan Sporer
  • 14. place - Aichholzer Guenther
  • 2. place in teams - (Stefan Sporer, Aichholzer Guenther, Hoffmann)
Photogalery from Kulmbach 2012 | Complete results | source:

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 10. 8. 12
  • Products
  • F3B
  • Extasy

Extasy also now available in DS (Dynamic Soaring) version.

  • empty weight from 2800g
  • double ballast tube in wing
  • massive carbon reinforcement of all parts
  • possibility 1800g additional ballast in brass (full wing and wing joiner)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 28. 6. 12
  • Competitions
  • F3B Jesenik 2012

Congratulations for:

  • 7. place - Stefan Sporer
  • 3. place in teams - (Stefan Sporer, Aichholzer Guenter, Leeb Friedrich)
  • 8. place in speed - Guenter Aichholzer
  • from total 57 competitors
Photogalery from Jesenik 2012 | Complete results

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 25. 6. 12
  • Competitions
  • F3B Kirchheim 2012

Congratulations for:

  • 10. place (97,12%) - Stefan Sporer
  • 31. place (93,96%) - Michal Michna
  • 48. place (91,52%) - Günther Aichholzer
  • from total 106 competitors
  • Stefan Sporer - 10. place on speed with times: 14.97, 14.61, 17.29 with Extasy
Photogalery from Kirchheim 2012 | Complete results (*.zip)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 6. 5. 12
  • Competitions
  • F3B Salzburg 2012

Congratulations for:

  • 21. place (91,86%) - Stefan Sporer
  • 23. place (90,39%) - Günther Aichholzer
  • from total 69 competitors
Photogalery from Salzburg 2012 | Complete results (*.pdf)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 6. 5. 12
  • Competitions
  • F3F Welsh Open 2011
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 4. 10. 11
  • Competitions
  • Berlin, Spreepokal 2011
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 28. 9. 11
  • Competitions
  • Mollram, Steinfeldpokal 2011

Congratulations for:

  • 14. place (94,26%) - Herbert Bacher
  • 15. place (93,17%) - Michal Michna
  • 20. place (91,28%) - Tuma Jiri
  • Michal Michna, 14,78 seconds in third speed with Evolution. Win third round and second best speed in competition.
Photogalery from Mollram, Steinfeldpokal 2011 | Complete results (*.pdf)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 16. 8. 11
  • Competitions
  • Kulmbach, Plassenburgpokal 2011

Congratulations for:

  • 8. place (96,55%) - Günther Aichholzer
  • 27. place (93,20%) - Stefan Sporer
  • 45. place (88,53%) - Herbert Bacher
  • Günther Aichholzer, 14,60 seconds in second speed with Extasy
  • Herbert Bacher, 14,89 seconds in second speed also with Extasy
  • Team Östereich 1 - Hirt Wolfgang, Günther Aichholzer, Stefan Sporer second place in teams
Photogalery from Kulmbach, Plassenburgpokal 2011 | Complete results (*.zip)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 8. 8. 11
  • Update

We added picture of ballast for wing and new ballast for wing joiner. New improved RDS was develop. Servo frame is now with balls bearing for better accuracy and simpliest mounting. Ballast for joiner was also added to jitom calculator.

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 1. 8. 11
  • Competitions
  • 4. International F3B Cup Brno
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 27. 6. 11
  • Competitions
  • 4. Sonnenwendpokal Dresden

Congratulations for:

  • 7. place - Stefan Sporer
  • 13. place - Aichholzer, Günther
Photogalery from 4. Sonnenwendpokal Dresden

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 21. 6. 11
  • Competitions
  • 8. Kirchheim Open F3B 2011

Congratulations for:

  • 9. place (97,96 %) - Günther Aichholzer
  • 30. place (92,67 %) - Stefan Sporer
  • 37. place (91,38 %) - Jiri Tuma
  • 43. place (90,56 %) - Herbert Bachler
Official competition website | Complete results (*.zip)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 15. 5. 11
  • Competitions
  • 17. Salzburger F3B Wanderpokal 2011

Congratulations for Günter Aichholzer (5 place), Stefan Sporer (14 place), Jiri Tuma (20 place) and Heinz Lüthi (33. place) all flying with Extasy in 17. Salzburger F3B Wanderpokal 2011 in Austria. Competition has been occurring from 2. to 3. April 2011 and it was great introduction for Extasy to new season. Günter Aichholzer fly with Extasy speed task in 14,93 second. We also congratulation Jiri Tuma (FUSO team) for the third position in teams.

Show results in PDF from competition

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 18. 4. 11

I developed new feature "about link" for our price calculator. If you want to get more information about selected model or selected performance, you can easy click on about link besides select list. I hope this feature will be useful. Price Calculator preview

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 15. 10. 10

Extasy update

Extasy page has been updated, in this update you find there detail information about model desing and development. Followed by model characteristics, compare with our previous F3B model Evolution and visualisation select cases. In this update also find Güenter Aichholzer settings table for Extasy and new pictures in photogallery.

New color desinger
with new design for Extasy will be available soon!

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 7. 10. 10

Price Calculator - try out JiTom brand new online Application for get price for your order and delivery date right now! Easy to use, just pick your model, model performance, set options your order and transport destination. Then you get total price and estimated date of delivery. For execution order or more information contact us via e-mail:

Price Calculator preview

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 18. 9. 10
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 14. 7. 10

Evolution electric modification

Checkout on Evolution electric modification.

Evolution electric version inside view

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 30. 11. 09

Performance analysis

We have calculated the performance of the Evolution V-Tail model using the XFoil program. We hope that this knowledge will allow better settings for your model and will contribute to improving the properties for a new model. We plan to compare the calculated results with the actual parameters of the model using a barometric altimeter and GPS logger as soon as possible. So far, however, the results appear to be remarkably accurate (for example minimum sink rate).

Results were calculated for a model weight from 2200 grams to 3400 grams with 400 grams resolution. It appears that for distance and speed task, more weight means a better outcome. The graphs also show the maximum glide ratio and maximum flight efficiency. For distance task it is good to move between the maximum of these variables. For Evolution model the trim speed is almost the same as the speed for maximum glide ratio. All calculations are for a model with control surfaces (v-tail, elevator, ailerons, flaps) in neutral position. Later we compute also optimum flaps angle for achieve maximum lift for start on winch and appropiate elevator correction.

Evolution F3B - airflow visualisation at speed 10m/s (perspective view)

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 20. 11. 09
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 25. 10. 09

34. Oktoberfestpokal 2009 in München

Congratulations to Günter Aichholzer with Evolution to 9th place - 97,41% to winner and 4th in SPEED task from 120 competitors in F3B competition 34. Oktoberfestpokal 2009. More info on

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 7. 10. 09

Plassenburgpokal 2009 in Kulmbach

Congratulations to Stefan Sporer (5th place - 97,94% to winner) and Günter Aichholzer (12th place - 95,43% to winner) in F3B competition Plassenburgpokal 2009. More info on
Güenter Aichholzer

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 19. 7. 09

F3B World Cup - Ivancice, Distance

Jiri Tuma flight Distance task on F3B World Cup with Evolution V, total 29 laps (winner - 30 laps). Below is altitude log from this flight. According statistics, start in 360 meters, 12.5 vertical meters and 8.2 seconds on each lap.
Evolution F3B altitude logs

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 19. 7. 09

Altitude logs

Jiri Tuma training flights, altitude logs - 10.6.2009 Maximum is 343 meters! Average cca 300 meters. Wind aprox. 4-5 m/s. Evolution F3B altitude logs

Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 14. 6. 09

F3x color desinger

JITOM offer new tool for custom color desing. You may configure any color combination you want in four diferent views. Online in you browser, instalation is not require. It's simple, just try...

Evolution V-tail desinger
Evolution X-tail desinger

Color desinger
Author: Michal MichnaUpdate: 10. 6. 09
Desing and Programing: Michal Michna - 2009
  • © Jiri Tuma - JiTom
  • 2006-2009