Evolution electric version - Introduction

The electro version of the Evolution F3B allows, in addition to other advantages of electromodels, the fast setup of the model, without the need of a winch to get into the air.


With the electroversion you can do more starts with one battery charge, then you would using a winch in the same time. The drag of the propeller is so small, making the flight performance of the electroversion and the glider version nearly the same. The weight with a Li-Pol battery is about 300 grams more, then the basic flying weight of the glider. The electroversion is even lighter then a glider with additional ballast for the speed task. The setup and training for speed task was the main subject for the creation of the electro version.

Evolution x-tail as sailplane version...      Evolution v-tail as sailplane version...

Evolution electric version - References

Desing and Programing: Michal Michna - 2009
  • © Jiri Tuma - JiTom
  • www.jitom.com
  • 2006-2009