Avatar electro - Introduction

Avatar electro F3B sailplane


Jitom is proud to present an elektro-fuselage for our AVATAR. The goal was not a "Hotliner" with a phantastic climbing rate. We wanted a model with nearly the same weight and thermal-performance as the glider-version with a comfortable climbing rate like an F5J-model. Fuselage has the same size like glider-version. Servos for V-tail are placed on the bottom side of fuselage in the area of the flaps. To do a comfortable change of lipo-battery in few seconds , we placed a small canopy on the upper side of fuselage. With the recommended gear from "Reisenauer" with a 3-cell lipo (1300mAh) and a 16x8,5 prop you will climb more than 10 m/sec. Weight of model is only 60-80g more than the glider version.

We recommend following components:

Also new flourescent colors are available: green, orange and red.

Video 1 Video 2

Avatar electro - Details

Avatar F3B sailplane
Category: F3B electro (F5J like)
Concept: Two part wing, two part elevator, v-tail
Wing span: 3150 mm
Length: 1490 mm
Wing area: 55 dm2
V-tail angle: ~ 100°
V-tail area: 5,10 dm2
Wing airfoil: Dirk Pflug Avatar
Elevator airfoil: Dirk Pflug Avatar
Weight: from 2110g
Ballast: 1800g
Maximum servo width: wing center: 10 mm (Futaba S3150 or Graupner DS 3288) , wing tip: 10 mm (Futaba S3150), fuselage: 12 mm (Graupner 3871)
Wing carbon-carbon
Spar HT Carbon
Tailplane carbon-glass
Fuselage carbon-glass-kevlar
Recomended equipment:
electric-engine http://www.reisenauer.de/artikeldetails.php5?aid=1637
prop Freudenthaler 16x8,5
spinner Freudenthaler 30mm
controller Robbe Roxxy 960-6 BL
battery 3s-Lipo 1300mAh 45-90C like http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbycity/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=32726
climb rate > 10m/s


None at this moment.

Avatar electro - Settings

Avatar F3B sailplane

Settings table for Avatar by Güenter Aichholzer

Trim positions Flaps Ailreons Elevator Rudder
Normal 0 0 0 0
Thermal 3 down 3 down 0 0
Speed 1 up 1 up 1 down 0
Start 13 down -2 1 down 0
Butterfly 50 down 5 up 5 down 0
Deflections Flaps Ailreons Elevator Rudder
Distance 6/5 20/12 7/4 10/10
Thermal 0 25/0 7/4 10/10
Speed 5/4 20/14 6/4 0
Towhook: 139 mm from end of cabin to front of hook.
Center of gravity: from the leading edge 88 mm Thermic, 92mm Distance, Speed
up deflection/down deflection in milimeters

Settings templates

Extasy ailreon settings template Extasy flap settings template Elevator settings template

Avatar electro - Prices

Avatar F3B sailplane

Pricelist, model versions and order

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Design and Programing: Michal Michna - 2009
  • © Jiri Tuma - JiTom
  • www.jitom.com
  • 2006-2009